I made a recent discover while viewing the the documentary,
The Beautiful Truth about natural living and healing. After learning of the dangerous and harmful effects of MSG I scoured my refrigerator and cabinets and found to my disappointment that I have been eating MSG without knowing it every day for months. The main source, my light Hidden Vally Ranch Dressing! No wonder I like it so much. Other culprits with naturally occurring free glutamates are the Parmesan cheese I liberal sprinkle over my salad every day and my Fiber One cereal. Natural glutamates are ok in moderation. Certain foods are much higher in them than others and should be eaten in moderation. Visit
http://dogtorj.com/?page_id=201 for more information on what to eat and not eat when it comes to glutamates. Fiber One cereal also has aspartame as do my sugar free jell o and gum I treat myself to each day. I thought I was eating healthy! If I inwardly scoff at those who will not give up soda and big macs than I must give up my ranch, gum, jell o and fiber cereal. I'm exited to find healthy alternatives and observe how my body responds to the elimination of these toxic ingredients.
Look what I found in my kitchen with MSG and or Aspartame!
It is all going in the trash.
Dear Sophia,
ReplyDeleteI see the huge amount of food that you have on your counter. I do so hope you did not throw it all away. I know you do not want to consume these foods, but at least you might want to give the food to folks who cannot afford to eat, whether the food is not up to par with your choices of what you consider healthy or unhealthy. Just my thoughts.
Have a great weekend!
Dear Elena Marie,
ReplyDeleteI understand your thoughts about throwing away food when so many are going hungry. However I think this brings up a really good point. It has been shown that the lower the income in this country the fatter the people. If you go into the grocery store the cheapest food is often the worst for you. I know that with my tight food budget I struggle to walk out of the store with healthy let alone organic groceries. The ingredients in the foods on my counter were poison. Maybe not enough to hurt you in small amounts but people are eating so much of this junk that over time it is killing them slowly. I hope this explains why If someone can not afford to eat I still would not give them aspartame sweetened jell o and MSG laden salad dressings and soups. I hope with this blog to offer healthier but also affordable options.
One other thought in closing. Sometimes at the grocery store you see that cart near the door for making food donations. I often feel sad when I see it filling up with chips, soda, mac and cheese boxes and saltine crackers. I understand that these foods are less perishable. But lets look at some healthier options if you really want to help. How about no salt added canned veggies, brown rice, dried beans, whole grain crackers and cereals. These foods are not expensive yet will be much more enriching to the receivers.
Dear Sophia,
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you about the cheaper foods in this country causing so much obesity and illness, but I hate to say that a lot of people would think you were trying to 'poison' them if they saw brown rice, dried beans, whole grain crackers, etc. The problem in our country is that people are not educated at an early age. Especially the poorer folks, that get into the habits of eating foods laden with fats, and food preservatives, artificial flavors, etc.
It was very sad many years ago when my family had some food donated to us when my husband was so ill and we were really struggling, just to make ends meet. A lot of the food that we were given especially during the holidays, were outdated cans, bulging cans, and the cheapest stuff that people could buy or donate or things they had sitting around for a long time and wanted to get rid of.
I think sometimes some people worry more about what their pets are eating, than what they eat themselves.
Life is way too fast paced these days. Not like when I was growing up and my mother would have a decent meal on the table every day so that when my father came home, around 5 pm, we would sit down as a family and share our daily experiences, while enjoying foods that were much healthier back in the 1950's, 1960's, etc.
I don't think folks can ever go back to those days when life was slower and foods were not filled with artificial ingredients, etc. :( Only the serious folks like you and your family, that grow their own veggies, and try to eat a minimum of meat will be better off in the long run.
Have a great week!